Sunday 13 July 2014

Platinum Princesses!

A big well done to Mia and Chidera who received their Platinum merit certificates this week. Who will be next?

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Our ride on the Emirates Cable Car!

We had a fantastic trip, we took a bus, train and the underground to North Greenwich to board the cable cars. It was a lovely sunny day and we had an excellent view across London from the sky! When we arrived at the other side (about 10 minutes later) we had our packed lunches in the sun and had a run around, then we were all ready to board the cable cars for our return journey back to school. Here are some pictures of the day.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Fantastic Football!

Today Middle school competed in our own football world cup tournament. All the players worked really hard for their teams and showed good sportsmanship. Well done to all the teams.

Exciting trip tomorrow!

I hope you're all ready for an awesome trip tomorrow, we will be taking a ride on the Emirates cable car across the river Thames! Make sure you have a packed lunch, a hat and sun cream in case its a hot day. We will be travelling by bus, train and tube to get to the O2 where we hop onto the cable car, each car holds nine children and one adult.  
Source: The Telegraph

A first look at the Iron Man.

Here are some of our drawings of what we think the Iron Man might look like, Mrs Haxell sneakily hid the front cover of the book whilst she read the first chapter!

The next lesson as a group we imagined what the Iron Man would look like, what he is made from and how big he is; we created these amazing drawings using charcoal, tin foil and grey pencils.
 Table five

 Table one
 Table four

 Table two

Table three

Sensational Shadows.

On 18th June we went on a trip to the Horniman museum. We had a busy day, we had  a puppet workshop, visited the aquarium and enjoyed the lovely outdoor musical instruments in the sun.

Our current science topic is light and shadows so we were very interested to find out about shadow puppets. We looked at two types which were from India and Bali, the Indian puppets were made from transparent coloured plastic and the puppets from Bali were made from card.

Here we are performing our own shadow puppet shows. We had to make sure we ducked out of the way when puppeteering so our bodies didn't block the light.

 Here we are enjoying the aquarium.

Friday 20 June 2014

The Iron Man is coming!

We have just begun our new Literacy book- The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

We are very excited to begin reading The Iron Man. So far we have read the first chapter and can't wait to find out what happens next.We have found out that nobody knows where he came from, nobody knows how far he has walked and nobody knows how he was made. His head is shaped like a dustbin but as big as a bedroom.

Source: Cabanon Press 

Click here to watch an animated video of chapter one.

Belonging Art work.

We were inspired by the beautiful collaged illustrations in the book Belonging to create some of our own artwork. We used oil pastels to make pictures of the view from our own bedroom windows (like Tracy in the story). Before we began we looked at this colourful painting by Henri Matisse for inspiration.

Source: Henri

Here are some of the finished works, which were also displayed in our school Art Exhibition.





















